MindMapping your Way to Spoken Arabic Ebook is available for purchase   BUY NOW

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A Guide, A Teacher, A Friend

I Bring creativity, enthusiasm and excitement to my work.

Mind Maps are graphical representations of information. As Tony Buzan Licensed Instructor and MBraining Coach, currently preparing for my Tesol diploma, I help individuals and corporates decluttering their Mind by using the powerful technique of MindMapping.

Why MindMap?

  • To structure information effectively
  • To improve reading comprehension
  • To boost productivity
  • To inspire creativity
  • To improve memory and recall
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I Have Created Powerful Language
Programs That Use MindMapping

Spoken Arabic for Adults

In this program, we will use MindMapping to learn arabic.

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Spoken Arabic for Children

In this program, we will use MindMapping to learn arabic.

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Classical Arabic

Classical Arabic Learn Classical Arabic through the use of Mind Mapping.

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Learn English through the use of MindMapping.

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Learn French through the use of MindMapping.

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MindMapping Training

Use MindMapping to unlock the mind's full potential.

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What My Clients Have to Say

Clients Testimonials

In all my dealings with you. I have known you to be extremely focused, professional, and honest. Thank you for being such a fantasic teacher. I will definitely be recommending you to my personal and business network.

Tina Mehra-Joshi

Managing Director at Splash N Bounce Events

Your Workshop on Introduction to Arabic with our postgraduate Global Business MBA students was insightful and engaging. We believe that the knowledge you have shared will immensely help in developing these students into effective global business leaders.

Prof. Christopher Abraham

CEO & Head - S.P. Jain (Dubai Campus)

I would like to take this oppurtunity to thank you for all your hard work and continous efforts. You have a fantastic approach to teaching that gives us Arabic learners a unique, fun and effective way to learn.

Farheen Khatib

Fiona Environs

She creates interesting, high-energy lessons that make Arabic feel accessible and her Mind Mapping techniques clear any confusion a student may have on the language.

Kerry Hydari

Chief Writer at Write It Right
I am committed to creating a better community for everyone.



Using MindMapping, I have created programs for adults, focusing on learning Spoken Arabic, English and French, memory training, and business leadership.

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I am committed to creating a better community for everyone.

Some of My Clients